
Add-ons are a major part of the Gravity Forms ecosystem. By utilizing our vast library of add-ons as well as 3rd-party add-ons, endless possibilities await in your WordPress forms.

Want to accept payments on your forms? Payment add-ons such as PayPal Checkout or Stripe can get you accepting orders in no time.

Passing WordPress form submission data to 3rd-party services has never been easier. Gravity Forms provides add-ons for a multitude of services such as MailChimp, Trello, Helpscout, and more.

Need to use a service but can't find an add-on for it? Check out the Zapier add-on for easy point-and-click integrations.

With Gravity Forms add-ons, the possibilities are endless. Supercharging your WordPress forms has never been easier.

  • PayPal Checkout

    With the Gravity Forms PayPal Checkout Add-On, you’ll find everything you need to successfully accept payments on your WordPress website.

  • Stripe Add-On

    Seamlessly integrate credit card payments into your WordPress forms by using the Stripe add-on.

  • Survey Add-On

    Easily create survey forms for your users and view the results directly within your WordPress dashboard.

  • Polls Add-On

    Create polls to for your users and view the results from within your WordPress dashboard.

  • Zapier Add-On

    Need to integrate with a 3rd-party service that isn't already supported? The Zapier add-on will allow you to use Zapier as the middle-man.

  • MailChimp Add-On

    Connect your forms to MailChimp to manage mailing list subscriptions.

  • Dropbox Add-On

    Allow your users to share or upload files directly to Dropbox using your forms.

  • User Registration Add-On

    Easily register, update, and manage WordPress user accounts from your forms.

All Add-Ons


Troubleshooting the Zapier Add-On

Having trouble getting Zapier to Connect to your Gravity Forms? This troubleshooting guide will help.

How Poll Results Work and Why They May Be Delayed

In this article, we will explain how the poll results are generated and why they may be delayed.

Conditional Audience Subscriptions in Mailchimp

Learn how to configure your form to conditionally subscribe a user to a mailing list when using the Mailchimp Add-On.

Troubleshooting Dropbox Feed Processing

This article describes the steps to take when troubleshooting issues in the Gravity Forms Dropbox add-on, such as enabling logging.

Troubleshooting 404 Errors on Dropbox Settings Pages

When configuring the Dropbox Add-On, you might be experiencing 404 errors within the Settings page for the Add-On. Here’s how to fix the issue.

Troubleshooting Mailchimp error “Unable to add/update subscriber”

This article explains how to troubleshoot certain error messages from MailChimp, such as “Unable to add/update subscriber” and “Invalid Resource”.

Sending Product Information to Google Sheets using Zapier (v3 and earlier)

This step-by-step example shows you how to send a list of product information, as collected from a form, to a Google spreadsheet using the Zapier Add-On.

Polls Block

This article shows the options available within the block option of the Gravity Forms Polls usable within the WordPress 5 block editor.

Refunds in PayPal Checkout

Learn how to initiate a refunds for a completed PayPal payment from within Gravity Forms.

Using the PayPal Checkout Add-On

The Gravity Forms PayPal Checkout Add-On, when connected to the PayPal Checkout, allows you to quickly and easily accept payments from 286 million PayPal customers, in over 100 currencies and across 200 markets, with advanced Fraud Protection and unprecedented control.