
Add-ons are a major part of the Gravity Forms ecosystem. By utilizing our vast library of add-ons as well as 3rd-party add-ons, endless possibilities await in your WordPress forms.

Want to accept payments on your forms? Payment add-ons such as PayPal Checkout or Stripe can get you accepting orders in no time.

Passing WordPress form submission data to 3rd-party services has never been easier. Gravity Forms provides add-ons for a multitude of services such as MailChimp, Trello, Helpscout, and more.

Need to use a service but can't find an add-on for it? Check out the Zapier add-on for easy point-and-click integrations.

With Gravity Forms add-ons, the possibilities are endless. Supercharging your WordPress forms has never been easier.

  • PayPal Checkout

    With the Gravity Forms PayPal Checkout Add-On, you’ll find everything you need to successfully accept payments on your WordPress website.

  • Stripe Add-On

    Seamlessly integrate credit card payments into your WordPress forms by using the Stripe add-on.

  • Survey Add-On

    Easily create survey forms for your users and view the results directly within your WordPress dashboard.

  • Polls Add-On

    Create polls to for your users and view the results from within your WordPress dashboard.

  • Zapier Add-On

    Need to integrate with a 3rd-party service that isn't already supported? The Zapier add-on will allow you to use Zapier as the middle-man.

  • MailChimp Add-On

    Connect your forms to MailChimp to manage mailing list subscriptions.

  • Dropbox Add-On

    Allow your users to share or upload files directly to Dropbox using your forms.

  • User Registration Add-On

    Easily register, update, and manage WordPress user accounts from your forms.

All Add-Ons


Using the Conversational Forms Add-On

The official Gravity Forms Conversational Forms Add-On allows you to present forms in a user-friendly conversational manner.

Using the Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On

This article shows you how to use and customize the official Gravity Forms Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On.

Using the User Registration Add-On

The User Registration Add-On integrates with any form to allow you to register users on your website. This article includes step-by-step instructions on how to use and configure the User Registration Add-On.

Setting up the Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to setup the Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On.

Setting Up the User Registration Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to setup the User Registration Add-On.

Setting Up the Slack Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to setup the Slack Add-On.

Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On Settings Reference

This quick reference guide lists all the settings related to the Official Gravity Forms Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On.

Creating a Feed for the User Registration Add-On

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to create a feed for the User Registration Add-On.

Setting Up the Stripe Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to setup the Stripe Add-On.

User Registration Add-On Login Widget

In addition to creating or updating users, the User Registration Add-On also contains a widget which will allow users to log in and register from the front-end of your site.