
Dynamically Populating Drop Down, Radio Buttons or Multi-Select Fields

Being able to dynamically populate the values in a select (aka drop down) field is fairly common requirement for product selection forms, product option forms, or any form that requires earlier submissions to drive choices in a latter collection field.

Multi Select

The Multi Select field allows users to select multiple options available in the multi select box.

Troubleshooting Notifications

Gravity Forms uses WordPress’ built-in sendmail (wp-mail.php) to send its e-mail notifications. If you are having trouble sending or receiving Notifications, please try the following steps.

Delete Entry Data After Post Submission


The Date field allows you to present a field that captures date data using the jQuery UI date picker.

Create Content Template

Checking the Create Content Template option allows you to format and insert form fields as the content of the field.

Confirmations Object

The Confirmations object is an associative array containing the properties for all the confirmations which exist for a form. When a new form is created a single confirmation, named Default Confirmation, is created. There is no limit to the number of additional confirmations you can create but they must have conditional logic configured.


The Checkboxes field allows you to present one or many checkboxes which allow multiple selections.

Conditional Logic Object

Conditional Logic, when applied to the form or page button or to any field, controls the visibility of that element based on a choice selected or value entered by the user in other fields on the form. It can also be used to determine if a notification, confirmation or add-on feed should be used.


The CAPTCHA field allows you to add a captcha field to your form powered by the free reCAPTCHA service. This helps determine if the form is being submitted by a human or a scripted bot.