
Can Gravity Forms Do…?

Gravity Forms offers hundreds of features for new and experienced Wordpress users alike. Additionally, there are many different ways to extend what the core product does.

Common Form Issues

This article outlines common issues you may be faced with and how to resolve them.

Enabling No Conflict Mode

If you are running into issues with your form builder, view this article to learn how to enable no conflict mode. This will temporarily resolve the issue.

What is this Charge on my Credit Card?

Do you have a credit card charge form us and you are wondering what Gravity Forms is for? This article should give you the basics and how to get more information.

Mollie Changelog

View the change log for the Mollie Add-On.

PayPal Checkout Beta 2.0 Features and Changes

PayPal Checkout will be the future name of the Paypal Commerce Platform Add-On, and is available now as a beta for evaluation. The new version also introduces support for PayPal Subscriptions and refunds, as well as authorize and capture later feed option.

Accessibility Checklist for Gravity Forms

This article takes you through settings and options for forms and fields to help educate you as to what (and what not) to use for better accessibility of your forms.

Stripe Field

This field is only available in the Form Editor if you have installed the official Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on. If you drag the Stripe field onto your form without having completed your Stripe setup, you will get a warning message that either setup or a feed is required.

How To Manually Update For Older WordPress Editions

Find out how to update Gravity Forms manually on an older WordPress version.

FAQ on Cache and Script Optimizer Issues

This article explains the concepts of caching and script optimization and why they can adversely affect the behavior of Gravity Forms