

This filter can be used to modify the feed settings fields before they are rendered on the Feed Settings edit view.


This filter can be used to prevent scripts and stylesheets being printed.


This filter can be used to modify the transaction object for the subscription setup fee before it is sent to


This filter can be used to modify a value before it is populated into the field.

Enable Editing of the Entry Payment Details

The payment details panel on the entry detail page is usually only displayed when the entry was processed by a payment add-on.

Filter Category in Post Category Field

This code snippet allows post categories to be filtered so certain categories can be excluded from use.

Hiding the Form Title

This article about how to hide the form title in Gravity Forms outside of the shortcode, includes a CSS snippet on how to do it.

Save Button Field Type

The save type field, part of the Settings API, renders a submit type input.

The simple_condition Helper

The simple_condition() helper can be used when creating custom field types which allow the user to configure a simple conditional logic rule.

Checkbox and Select Field Type

The checkbox_and_select type field, part of the Settings API, renders a checkbox which when checked will display a drop down with additional options.