

This filter fires on the Form Editor page when a field button is clicked or dragged on to the form, it can be used to prevent a field being added to the form if the conditions you define are not met.

Security Best Practices

The advice and best practices in this section is to help site owners and administrators understand the issues and learn how to adjust the security features according to their needs.

How To Change Your Language In Gravity Forms

By default, Gravity Forms is available in US English. However, with users on every continent, island, and corner of the globe, we have built Gravity Forms to support many different languages.

Confirmations List Page

The confirmation list page allows you to see all of the confirmations for a particular form, as well as manage settings like activate/inactive, edit, duplicate, and delete.

Creating a Feed for the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On

This article explains the process of creating a feed so form submissions can pass the data to PayPal for payment processing.

Products and Services Transaction Type in the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On

An overview of the Products and Services transaction type within the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On.

Subscription Settings in the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On

An overview of the Subscription transaction type within the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On.

Donations Settings in the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On

An overview of the Donations transaction type that is available within the PayPal Standard Add-On.


This hook was removed in version 3.0 with no replacement.

AWeber Changelog

View the change log for the AWeber Add-On.