Getting Started
New to Gravity Forms? Start here to learn the basics.
PayPal Payments Pro Add-On
Integrate Gravity Forms with PayPal Payments Pro. Enable users to make payments directly on your site without sending the user to PayPal to complete the transaction.
Standard Fields
Explore the Standard Fields available in the Form Editor, such as the Drop Down and Radio Button fields.
Articles related to the various classes available in Gravity Forms, such as GFPaymentAddOn and GFAddOn.
Address Fields
In this documentation section, you will find filter hooks that are available for use to impact the address field in Gravity Forms.
Field Classes
Articles related to the Field Classes available in Gravity Forms field framework.
Standard Fields
A listing of CSS Selectors available for use with Standard Fields, such as Single Line Text and Drop Down.
Learn about the different action hooks available within Gravity Forms. Action hooks allow you to perform additional actions when an event takes place.
Add-On Basics
Learn the basics of using Add-Ons, such as downloading and installing.
User Guides related to the basics of design and layout in Gravity Forms, such as CSS targeting.
First Steps
Welcome to Gravity Forms! Here you will find starter articles related to installation, initial setup, and settings.
Managing Your Account
This area covers all you need to know to manage your Gravity Forms account, including logging in, modifying your profile, resetting your password and more.
API Functions
The Gravity Forms API Functions provides developers with a future-proof way to access some of the common core functionality in Gravity Forms.
Add-On Framework
In this section of documentation, you will find filters related to the Add-On Framework.
Add-On Framework
This section of documentation lists the action hooks available to the Add-On Framework in Gravity Forms.
Articles on accessibility guidelines and best practices.
PayPal Checkout Add-On
Integrate your Gravity Forms with PayPal Checkout, allowing you to accept payments from 286 million PayPal customers, across 200 markets and 100+ currencies.
Stripe User Guides
This category contains the main user guides for setting up the official Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On.
Theme Framework
The Theme Framework fundamentally changes how users and developers control the appearance of their forms and is intended to integrate with future WordPress themes and full-site editing.
2Checkout Add-On
Articles related to the Gravity Forms 2Checkout Add-On, such as available hooks.
Theme Layers APIs
Gravity Forms provides two APIs for implementing Theme Layers. These APIs allow developers to define form styling without creating PHP classes, offering a flexible way to customize form appearance within WordPress.
How To
Step-by-step instructions.
Advanced Fields
Advanced Fields offer more complex field types that can provide specific functionality, such as email, address or password fields, polls, surveys, and more.
Discover the different filter hooks available within Gravity Forms. You can use filters to modify data to better match your particular needs.
Credit Card Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to disable the use of the Credit Card field or ones to update Credit Card data.
PayPal Payments Standard Add-On
Order forms are easy with the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On for Gravity Forms. Enable your users to pay you via PayPal Payments Standard as part of the Gravity Forms submission process.
Advanced Fields
A listing of CSS Selectors available for use with Advanced Fields, such as Email and Address.
Settings API
The add-on framework includes a Settings API that can be used to create form and plugin settings pages. This section describes the API and how it provides the mechanisms for rendering field UIs and saving values automatically.
Field Settings
Articles related to the Field Settings available in Gravity Forms field framework.
CSS Selectors
Articles related to CSS Selectors that are available for use with Gravity Forms.
Just like WordPress, hundreds of actions and filters are at the heart of Gravity Forms to easily extend core functionality.
In this document section, you will find articles related to action hooks available for use with confirmations in Gravity Forms.
Add-On Framework
Build Gravity Forms add-ons within minutes using the add-on framework. Create custom fields, settings, feeds, and more within minutes.
2Checkout Add-On
Accept payments from over 200 countries, directly within your WordPress forms.
Creating A Form
Let's see how to create a basic form from scratch using the Gravity Forms form editor, as well as how to export or import one already created.
Your Gravity Forms Account
Managing Your Licenses
This series of articles covers information on the various actions you can execute on your Gravity Forms license, such as upgrading, renewing, transferring and cancelling.
Add-On Filters
Discover the different filter hooks available within Gravity Forms Add-Ons. You can use filters to modify data to better match your particular needs.
Stripe Knowledge Base
Articles related to the official Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On.
PayPal Legacy Add-Ons
These legacy add-ons are still supported, but are not the target of new features or updates, and may be deprecated in the future.
EmailOctopus Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms EmailOctopus Add-On, such as available hooks.
User Guides
Find explanations of the various JavaScript hooks used by Gravity Forms and its add-ons.
In this section of documentation, you will find filters related to Confirmations in Gravity Forms, such as saving or changing one before display.
Date Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to control the minimum and maximum years that may be set for a Date Field.
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks which may be used to impact the Form Editor page in Gravity Forms.
Pricing Fields
Discover the different Pricing Fields, such as Product, Option, Total, and Shipping.
PayPal Pro Add-On
This plug-in has been deprecated, and documents here are for archival purposes only.
ActiveCampaign Add-On
With ActiveCampaign Add-On, you can easily send your form submissions directly from WordPress to your email marketing campaigns.
Post Fields
A listing of CSS Selectors available for use with Post Fields, such as Post Title and Post Body.
Field Framework
Create custom form fields by using the field framework.
Confirmations are what your users see when they successfully submit a form. Learn where to administer your form confirmations as well as the types of confirmations available.
Data Objects
This section of documentation explains the different objects available in Gravity Forms, such as the Form Object, Field Object, and Entry Object.
Data Objects
This section of documentation includes articles about the Data Objects available with the Add-On Framework.
Stripe Previous Versions
This category includes articles that were specific to previous versions, and have since been superseded.
Articles that cover purchasing and using Gravity Forms licenses.
Kit Filters
Hooks and filters that are added with the official Kit Add-On from Gravity Forms.
Here you will find a listing of the action hooks in Gravity Forms which have been deprecated.
Email Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to modify the Email Field information in Gravity Forms.
Post Fields
Learn about the different Post Fields available, such as Post Body, Post Title, and several others.
Privacy, Security and Compliance
Articles on security issues and best practices.
Pricing Fields
A listing of CSS Selectors available for use with Pricing Fields, such as Product and Credit Card.
Need to set a constant? You'll find it here.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of action hooks available for use when events occur surrounding emails.
Configuring form submission notifications is easy with Gravity Forms! Start getting form notifications on the entries that matter most to your business.
Advanced Post Creation Add-On
The Advanced Post Creation Add-On allows you to convert submitted entries into a Wordpress post or page with full support of associated metadata.
This section of documentation for Gravity Forms covers articles related to what is available with the PHP API.
Contains filter hooks which may be used to impact the Form Editor page within Gravity Forms.
Constant Contact Filters
Hooks and filters that are added with the official Constant Contact Add-On from Gravity Forms.
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that may be used to modify entry information or perform actions after an event has completed.
In this section, you will find the filter hooks that are available when filtering Gravity Forms entries.
File Upload Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to control File Uploads in Gravity Forms.
Field Settings
User Guides related to Field Properties, such as how to use calculations and conditional logic.
Agile CRM Add-On
Integrate directly with Agile CRM from your WordPress site using the Gravity Forms Agile CRM add-on.
Form Components
A listing of CSS Selectors available for use with Form Components, such as the Submit button.
This section of documentation covers article related to the database used by Gravity Forms.
Adding A Form To Your Site
Once you have created a form, setup your confirmation page, and enabled appropriate notifications, then all you have left is to place your form on your website.
Articles to help you troubleshoot issues with Gravity Forms and add-ons.
Gravity Forms 2.9
This category contains published information about this new Gravity Forms core plugin release. For full information, visit to the Gravity Forms changelog at
Brevo Filters (Beta)
Hooks and filters that are added with the official Brevo Add-On from Gravity Forms.
Entry Changes
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that are triggered after changes are made to entries in Gravity Forms.
Multiselect Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of hooks available for use in Gravity Forms with the Multiselect Field.
ActiveCampaign Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Active Campaign Add-On, such as available hooks.
Tutorials and Snippets
Tutorials related to the field framework, such as setting default properties for a new field.
In this section of documentation, you will find filters related to Fields, such as gform_checkbox_select_all_label and gform_field_filters.
Conditional Logic
Conditional logic allows you to build interactive forms that can show or hide fields based on user selections. Additionally, conditional logic is available to control other elements like buttons, confirmations, notifications and feeds.
Akismet Add-On
The official Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On allows you to integrate with the power of the Akismet WordPress Add-On ( to help trap and remove suspicious form entries.
Gravity Forms 2.8
This section covers the new features and updates in our new 2.8 Gravity Forms core release.
Entry Details
In this section of documentation, you will find hooks related to Entry Details, such as controlling the layout of the entry details page.
Name Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use in Gravity Forms with the Name field.
Authorize.Net Add-On
The add-on is now a legacy add-on. It is still supported, but will not have new features added and updates will only be applied when possible. is deprecating the API used by this Add-On.
Add-Ons are at the heart of the Gravity Forms ecosystem. Supercharge your WordPress forms with additional functionality in just a few simple clicks.
Learn how Gravity Forms shows form submissions, which we call "Entries". These are what your form was built for!
This section of documentation lists articles related to the REST API for Gravity Forms.
Field Framework
This section of documentation lists the various filters available within the Field Framework.
Advanced Post Creation Filters
Articles related to the Advanced Post Creation add-on, such as available hooks.
This section contains information most relevant to developers and WordPress gurus who like to get their hands dirty in the code. If Gravity Forms out of the box is not quite sufficient for your task, then this section may help you to customize it into what you need.
Entry Lists
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks related to Entry Lists, such as gform_entries_first_column and gform_print_entry_content.
AWeber Add-On
Generate more subscribers from your forms by using the Gravity Forms AWeber add-on.
Agile CRM Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Agile add-on, such as available hooks.
Merge Tags
Articles explaining the different Merge Tags available, such as {admin_email} and {all_fields}.
Form Components
In this section of documentation, you will find hooks related to form components.
Other Fields
Covers all the hooks not related to any of the specifically listed categories.
Design and Layout
Need to style your forms to match your existing WordPress theme? Gravity Forms provides form themes and plenty of CSS selectors to beautify your forms.
Knowledge Base
Password Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms' Password field.
Entry Printing
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that may be used on the print entry screen.
Breeze Add-On
Organize and track everything with Breeze, a simple tool for project management. All your tasks on a single workspace.
Akismet Filters
In this section of documentation, you will find filters controlling the use of the Akismet spam filter add-on with Gravity Forms.
Form Lists
Filters used to control the Form List page in Gravity Forms, such as adding a custom form action.
Settings Reference
Reference articles for the different settings available in Gravity Forms.
Form Object
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to modify the Form Object in Gravity Forms.
Product Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available in Gravity Forms available for use with Product fields. Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On, such as available hooks.
Field Framework
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks in Gravity Forms related to the Field Framework.
Brevo Add-On (Beta)
Move your Gravity Forms submissions into your Brevo lists to collect contacts, automate workflows and reach your customers using Brevo’s advanced email features.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks that may be used on Fields, such as ones that fire before and after field deletion.
Form Settings
Filters used to control the Form Settings display in Gravity Forms, from adding new menu items to saving.
Campaign Monitor Add-On
Gravity Forms makes it easy to integrate with your Campaign Monitor email marketing service with our Campaign Monitor Add-On. Collect and add subscribers to your email marketing lists automatically when a form is submitted.
AWeber Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms AWeber add-on, such as available hooks.
In this section of documentation, you will find filters related to importing forms and exporting entries in Gravity Forms.
Campfire Add-On
The Gravity Forms Campfire Add-On allows you to quickly integrate with Campfire, a team collaboration and real-time chat service. Campfire is like instant messaging, but designed exclusively for groups.
Gravity Forms Core
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to Gravity Forms Core operations, such as loading the form.
Breeze Filters
Information on how you can modify the Breeze add-on to better meet your particular needs.
Merge Tag Filters
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with Merge Tags in Gravity Forms.
Campaign Monitor Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Campaign Monitor add-on, such as available hooks.
Capsule CRM Add-On
The Gravity Forms Capsule CRM Add-On allows you to quickly integrate any Gravity Form with Capsule's easy to use online CRM solution and allows you to create or update contacts and create tasks.
Gravity Forms Settings
A list of action hooks related to the Gravity Forms Settings page, such as the currency setting.
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with Notifications in Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to the Form display itself, such as paging and viewing the form.
Campfire Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Campfire add-on, such as its Feed Meta.
Chained Selects Add-On
Cascading drop-down select fields made easy! Import a CSV to create Year/Make/Model style selections or use available hooks/filters to data drive the drop-down choices dynamically.
Form Actions
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks that fire with Form activity, such as forms trashed, restored, duplicated, or saved.
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks in Gravity Forms available for use with Payments.
CleverReach Add-On
The Gravity Forms CleverReach Add-On allows you to integrate your forms with the Europe based CleverReach email marketing service to automatically add subscribers to your mailing lists.
Capsule CRM Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Capsule CRM add-on, such as available hooks.
Post Creation
In the section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks in Gravity Forms related to the creation of Posts.
Form Settings
A list of action hooks related to the Form Settings page in Gravity Forms.
Chained Selects Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Chained Selects add-on, such as available hooks.
Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On
The Gravity Forms Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On allows you to utilize the ease of the Cloudflare Turnstile website user validation method, an alternative to reCAPTCHA, with your Gravity Forms submissions.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to importing forms and exporting entries.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms' REST API v1.
CleverReach Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms CleverReach add-on, such as available hooks.
Constant Contact Add-On
This documentation category contains articles related to using the Gravity Forms Constant Contact Add-On.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to sending, deactivating, deleting, and activating Notifications.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms' REST API v2.
Conversational Forms Add-On
The official Gravity Forms Conversational Forms Add-On allows you to present your Gravity Forms with a "one input at a time" style of paginated interface that can help reduce user confusion and increase form conversions.
Conversational Forms Filters
Coupons Add-On
The Coupons Add-On allows you to easily implement coupon functionality on order forms created with Gravity Forms. Coupons can be form specific or apply to all forms that utilize the Coupon Field. It's entirely up to you how you configure it!
Coupons Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Coupons add-on, such as its Feed Meta and Class.
Rich Text Editor
In this section of documentation, you will find filter hooks available for use with the Rich Text Editor used in Gravity Forms.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of action hooks available in Gravity Forms for use with payment add-ons.
Dropbox Add-On
The Gravity Forms Dropbox Add-On allows you to quickly integrate Gravity Forms with Dropbox, one of the industry leaders in file storage solutions in the cloud. Allow users to upload files from their Dropbox account or send files uploaded via Gravity Forms to your own Dropbox account.
Dropbox Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Dropbox add-on, such as available hooks.
Post Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to Post Fields used in Gravity Forms.
Save and Continue
In this section of documentation, you will find a list of filter hooks available when using the Save and Continue feature of Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks used when interacting with scripts or styles in Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find a list of filter hooks available for use with styles or scripts used in Gravity Forms.
Emma Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Emma add-on, such as available hooks.
EmailOctopus Add-On
This documentation category contains articles related to using the official Gravity Forms EmailOctopus Add-On.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks used with the submission of a form in Gravity Forms.
Emma Add-On
The Gravity Forms Emma Add-On allows you to quickly and easily integrate all of your online forms with the Emma email marketing service. Collect and add subscribers to your Emma marketing campaigns when a form is submitted.
FreshBooks Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms FreshBooks Add-On, such as its Feed Meta.
System Status
In this section of documentation, you will find System Status filter hooks available for use in Gravity Forms, such as modifying the system report.
In this section of documentation, you will find filter hooks available for use with Validation, such as validating URLs and conditional logic.
System Status
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to the system status page and form updates in Gravity Forms.
Geolocation Add-On
Dynamically lookup and complete addresses in your Address Fields with the Geolocation Add-On
Geolocation Filters
Articles related to filters for use with the Gravity Forms Geolocation Add-On.
GetResponse Add-On
The Gravity Forms GetResponse Add-On allows you to quickly integrate all of your online forms with the GetResponse email marketing service. Collect and add subscribers to your GetResponse marketing list when a form is submitted.
GetResponse Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms GetResponse add-on, such as available hooks.
Google Analytics Add-On
The official Gravity Forms Google Analytics Add-On enables the ability to trigger analytics events from form submissions and pagination actions.
Google Analytics Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Google Analytics add-on, such as available hooks.
Help Scout Add-On
Support your customers and integrate Gravity Forms with Help Scout's simple to use Help Desk platform. Help Scout is designed for teams that insist on a delightful customer experience.
Help Scout Filters
Articles related to Help Scout, such as information about the Feed Meta and hooks available.
Highrise Filters
Articles related to the Highrise add-on, such as information about its Feed Meta and available hooks.
Highrise Add-On
The Gravity Forms Highrise Add-On allows you to quickly integrate Gravity Forms with Highrise, a flexible contact management tool that helps you stay organized. Automatically create contacts and contact notes in Highrise.
HipChat Add-On
The Gravity Forms HipChat Add-On allows you to integrate Gravity Forms with HipChat and instantly notify your team the moment a form has been submitted.
HipChat Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms HipChat add-on, such as its Feed Meta.
HubSpot Add-On
The Gravity Forms HubSpot Add-On allows you to integrate Gravity Forms with the HubSpot service to power-up your email, marketing and customer support services.
HubSpot Filters
This section lists hook, filter and other developer related reference articles related to the official Gravity Forms HubSpot Add-On.
iContact Add-On
The Gravity Forms iContact Add-On makes it easy to quickly integrate your Gravity Forms with iContact's email marketing solution for small and medium sized businesses.
iContact Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms iContact add-on, such as hooks and its Feed Meta.
Mad Mimi Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Mad Mimi add-on, such as hooks and its Feed Meta.
Kit Add-On
This official add-on from Gravity Forms allows you to integrate your form entries with the Kit (previously branded as ConvertKit) service, and includes access to their Creator Network features.
Mailchimp Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Mailchimp add-on, such as hooks and its Feed Meta.
Mad Mimi Add-On
The Gravity Forms Mad Mimi Add-On allows you to automatically add subscribers to your Mad Mimi mailing lists when a form is submitted.
Mailchimp Add-On
The Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On gives you an easy way to integrate all of your online forms with the Mailchimp email marketing service. Collect and add subscribers to your email marketing lists automatically when a form is submitted.
MailerLite Filters
Hooks and filters that are added with the official Mailerlite Add-On from Gravity Forms.
Mailgun Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Mailgun add-on, such as filters.
MailerLite Add-On
Move your Gravity Forms submissions into your MailerLite lists to collect subscribers, automate workflows and reach your customers using MailerLite's advanced email marketing features.
Mailgun Add-On
Easily integrate Gravity Forms with the Mailgun email automation service, allowing Gravity Forms notifications to be sent reliably via your Mailgun account.
Moderation Filters
Mollie Filters
Hooks and filters that are added with the official Mollie Add-On from Gravity Forms.
Moderation Add-On
The Gravity Forms Moderation Add-On provides a mechanism to help identify and quarantine types of objectionable content from within your form submissions, using open third party APIs for classification.
Partial Entries Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Partial Entries add-on, such as hooks.
Mollie Add-On
The official Gravity Forms Mollie Add-On allows you to quickly and easily capture one-time credit card payments with WordPress and your Mollie account.
Partial Entries Add-On
Don't want to miss out on any possible leads? Now you don't have to. Collect data as it is entered on your forms. WooCommerce, Shopify and similar shopping cart applications have abandoned cart technology and now Gravity Forms has abandoned form technology.
Paypal Checkout Filters
Hooks provided with the Gravity Forms PayPal Checkout Add-On (previously named PayPal Commerce Platform Add-On)
PayPal Payments Pro Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On, such as hooks.
PayPal Add-Ons
PayPal Standard Filters
Articles about the PayPal Standard add-on, such as hooks available and its Feed Meta.
Pipe Add-On
Record and capture videos as a form field with Gravity Forms and integration with the Pipe Video Recording Platform.
Polls Add-On
The Gravity Forms Polls Add-On allows you to quickly and easily deploy polls on your web site using the power of Gravity Forms. Easily add poll questions to any form!
Polls Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Polls add-on, such as hooks.
Postmark Add-On
Easily integrate Gravity Forms with the Postmark transactional email delivery service, allowing Gravity Forms notifications to be sent reliably via your Postmark account.
Postmark Filters
Easily integrate Gravity Forms with the Postmark email delivery service, allowing Gravity Forms notifications to be sent reliably via your Postmark account.
Quiz Add-On
Gravity Forms just got smarter! The Gravity Forms Quiz Add-On allows you to quickly create quizzes that are automatically graded or scored when the form is submitted.
Quiz Filters
Articles related to Gravity Forms Quiz add-on, such as the hooks available.
The official Gravity Forms reCAPTCHA Add-On introduces Google’s reCAPTCHA version 3 technology to your anti-spam toolbox. This category contains the user guides for this add-on.
Salesforce Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-On, such as available hooks
SendGrid Filters
Easily integrate Gravity Forms with the SendGrid email delivery service, allowing Gravity Forms notifications to be sent reliably via your SendGrid account.
Salesforce Add-On
This category of Gravity Forms documentation provides all the information needed to setup a connection between your forms and the Salesforce service, using our offical Salesforce Add-On.
Signature Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Signature add-on, such as available hooks and its class.
SendGrid Add-On
Easily integrate Gravity Forms with the SendGrid email delivery service, allowing Gravity Forms notifications to be sent reliably via your SendGrid account.
Signature Add-On
The Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms allows you to capture signatures online by allowing users to sign your forms using touchscreen devices, touch pads or mouse. Quickly and easily integrate signature capabilities into your forms without the end user having to install any special browser plugins.
Slack Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Slack add-on, such as hooks available.
Slack Add-On
The Gravity Forms Slack Add-On allows you to integrate Gravity Forms with Slack and instantly notify your team the moment a form has been submitted.
Square Filters
A listing of filter and action hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms Square add-on.
Stripe Filters
A listing of filter and action hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On.
Square Add-On
Gravity Forms powered by Square allows you to quickly and easily implement credit card payments! With the Gravity Forms Square Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments through Square.
Stripe Add-On
Gravity Forms powered by Stripe allows you to quickly and easily implement credit card payments! With the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments or setup recurring payment subscriptions.
Trello Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Trello add-on, such as hooks available.
Survey Add-On
The Survey Add-On allows you to easily interact with your users to both collect and analyze data on your target audience. Market research, customer satisfaction, employee surveys, and job satisfaction surveys; anything is possible!
Twilio Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Twilio add-on, such as hooks available.
User Registration Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms User Registration add-on.
Trello Add-On
Stay organized and integrate Gravity Forms with Trello! Automatically create Trello cards and assign members and labels when a form is submitted.
Twilio Add-On
With the Twilio Add-On you can make SMS notifications a part of your form notification process by integrating with the Twilio SMS service. Get notified via a customizable SMS text message as soon as a form is submitted or a payment is received via an order form.
Webhooks Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Webhooks add-on, such as hooks available.
User Registration Add-On
Need to quickly allow users to register on your WordPress site? The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms makes registering users a breeze.
A Login widget is provided to quickly enable users to login via a sidebar widget after they register, or when they return to your WordPress site.
Are you looking for BuddyPress integration with custom profile fields? It does that too. Running a Multi-Site install and want instant site creation? We have you covered!
Zapier Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On, such as hooks available.
Zoho CRM Filters
Articles related to the Gravity Forms Zoho CRM add-on, such as hooks available.
Webhooks Add-On
Configure and use Webhooks to notify 3rd party systems when a Gravity Form is submitted.
With the Gravity Forms CLI Add-On, you can use WP-CLI to install Gravity Forms, manage your license, forms, entries, and more from the command line.
Zapier Add-On
One thing we've said since day one is that as much as we'd love to introduce Add-On's for every 3rd party service or application available, it simply isn't possible. Enter Zapier. The Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On allows you to leverage Zapier to integrate with over 2000+ different web services and counting!
Zoho CRM Add-On
The Gravity Forms Zoho CRM Add-On allows you to quickly integrate Gravity Forms with Zoho's CRM. Zoho gives you a 360-degree view of your sales cycle and pipeline.
Use this filter to change the field's value before saving it to the database. Use in conjunction with gform_get_input_value to perform low level transformations, such as encrypting/decrypting a field.
Use the gform_replace_merge_tags filter to create your own custom merge tags.
This filter is no longer available since Gravity Forms 2.0.
Use this filter to change the progress bar on multi-page forms to start at zero percent.
This filter is executed when displaying the order information grid on the entry detail page and notification emails.
Use this filter to change the sub-label for the Product Quantity input.
This hook was removed in version 3.0 and replaced by gform_userregistration_feed_settings_fields.
This filter is executed when displaying the order information grid on the entry detail page and notification emails.
Use this filter to change the sub-label for the Product Price input.