
Creating Entries with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::add_entry() and GFAPI::add_entries() methods are used to add entries directly to the database.

Updating Entries with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::update_entry(), GFAPI::update_entries(), GFAPI::update_entry_property(), and GFAPI::update_entry_field() methods are used to update entries in the database.

Searching and Getting Entries with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::entry_exists(), GFAPI::get_entry(), GFAPI::get_entries(), GFAPI::get_entry_ids(), and GFAPI::count_entries() methods are used to search, count, get, and check if entries exist.

Deleting Entries with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::delete_entry() method is used to permanently delete an entry.

Managing Add-On Feeds with the GFAPI

The GFAPI includes methods which are used to manage form Feeds, the properties which determine if and how form submissions are processed by an add-on.

Sending Notifications with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::send_notifications() method is used to send notifications for a specific event and the given form and entry.

Getting Fields with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::get_fields_by_type() and GFAPI::get_field() methods are used to get form fields.

Validating Field Submissions with the GFAPI

The GFAPI::validate_field() method, added in Gravity Forms 2.7, is used to validate the input values of a specific field.

Managing Notes with the GFAPI

Documentation for the GFAPI methods for managing entry notes.


Determines if a callback has been registered for the specified action. gf_has_action( array( 'action_name', $modifier1 ) );.