

The gform_pre_print_scripts action hook is executed just before the scripts are printed to the page for the form widget or when a form embed is processed in a custom location using GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode().


The gform_print_scripts action hook is executed just after the scripts are printed to the page for the form widget or when a form embed is processed in a custom location using GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode().


The gform_field_settings_tabs filter enables new tabs to be registered for display in the field settings panel in the form editor.


The gform_field_settings_tab_content action hook is used to echo the content for a custom field settings tab in the form editor.


The gform_editor_sidebar_panels filter enables custom panels to be registered for display in the form editor sidebar.


The gform_editor_sidebar_panel_content action hook is used to echo the content for a custom panel in the form editor sidebar.


The gform_rule_pre_evaluation filters can be used to modify a conditional logic rule before it is evaulated.


The gform_disable_form_theme_css filter allows the default form theme used by forms created with Gravity Forms 2.5 and greater to be disabled.


The gform_editor_field_settings filter allows the editor settings that are used for the current field, including those inherited from the inputType, to be overridden.


The gform_confirmation_settings_fields filter allows the confirmation settings fields to be modified before they are displayed.