
Personal Data Settings

Added in Gravity Forms version 2.4, the Personal Data tab of the Form Settings provides integration with the WordPress Export Personal Data and Erase Personal Data tools. Data for both entries and draft submissions (save & continue) are supported.


Automatically populates the reCAPTCHA Private Key on activation.


Automatically pre-populates the reCAPTCHA public key when a new site is created on your Multi-Site install.


Allows a Form JSON file from which a set of default forms can be pre-generated when a new site is created on your Multi-Site install to be specified.

Advanced Post Creation Add-On Using Third-Party Post Types

This article explains how to use third-party post types with the Advanced Post Creation add-on, specifically, The Events Calendar and WooCommerce plugins.

Troubleshooting Mailchimp error “Unable to add/update subscriber”

This article explains how to troubleshoot certain error messages from MailChimp, such as “Unable to add/update subscriber” and “Invalid Resource”.

Sending Product Information to Google Sheets using Zapier (v3 and earlier)

This step-by-step example shows you how to send a list of product information, as collected from a form, to a Google spreadsheet using the Zapier Add-On.

Sending List Field and Product Data as Arrays to Zapier

As of Zapier 3.0, the data for List and Product fields is now sent to Zapier as an array.

How to Chain Forms Using Shortcodes

This article explains how you can chain two forms together by placing the shortcode for another form inside the confirmation of the first form.


Automatically pre-populates your Gravity Forms license key.