
HIPAA and Gravity Forms

When looking into HIPAA requirements for a website, we often get asked "Is Gravity Forms HIPAA compliant?". The question is rarely that simple, as much of compliance is dependent upon other factors.


Allows data sync to be disabled for Square Add-On. Default is Enabled.


Allow custom actions to be performed before the post is updated.


The gform_advancedpostcreation_update_post_data filter allows modifying the post data before updating it.

Obtaining Prior Versions of Gravity Forms

We do not recommend downgrading to a prior version of Gravity Forms, and this short article discusses why, and what alternatives you might have.


Filter the source value of a conditional logic rule before it is compared with the target value.


Use this filter to allow entries of different statuses (i.e. trash, abuse) to be exported.


Allows users to modify which field is used when looking up terms via get_term_by(). Defaults to name, but can be any of: 'slug', 'name', 'term_id' (or 'id', 'ID'), or 'term_taxonomy_id'.

Using the Geolocation Add-On

Geolocation Add-On provides Google Places API integration to the Address Field for easy lookup and population of addresses

Setting up the Geolocation Add-On

This guide explains the necessary settings to configure the Geolocation Add-On