
Submit Button CSS Selectors

Here's how to apply styles to Gravity Forms submit buttons. You can utilize these selectors to apply any additional styling that you may need.

Adding Meta Boxes to the Entry Detail Page Using the Add-On Framework

This tutorial shows how custom meta boxes can be added to the entry detail page using the gform_entry_detail_meta_boxes filter added in Gravity Forms 2.0.

Adding/Removing Countries From the Country Select Field

In some instances, you may need to add or remove a particular country to or from the country selection field in Gravity Forms.

Adding Images, JavaScript, and HTML To Forms

If you need to insert an image or other HTML content within your form, Gravity Forms makes the process easy and painless with the HTML field.

Creating Customized Form Notification Emails

A combination of HTML, CSS styling and Gravity Forms merge tags can be used to create a template that will be populated with dynamic content allowing you to style and brand your notifications.

Sending Form Submission Notifications To Multiple Recipients

Here’s how to configure your notifications in Gravity Forms to send to multiple email recipients.

WordPress, Gravity Forms, and GDPR Compliance

You’ve probably heard about GDPR compliance but aren’t quite sure how it affects your forms or WordPress site in general. Your best option is always to consult legal counsel, but we’ll try to get things clarified for you in the meantime.


This filter can be used to override the number of days before temporary file uploads are deleted.


The “gform_html_message_template_pre_send_email” filter allows the template for the HTML-formatted message to be overridden.
