

Common Questions about Gravity Forms Licensing

Information on standard license operations such as renewing, upgrading, cancelling and transferring an active license that you own.


This article goes over the details of the Pipe Recorder Field in the Pipe Add-On used with Gravity Forms.

Creating Chained Selects with the Chained Selects Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to create Chained Selects with the Chained Selects Add-On.


This filter can be used to require the user be logged in before the download URL will allow access to the file.


This filter is used to modify the choices that will appear in each drop down of a Chained Select field.


This filter allows you to filter which entries are displayed in the Entry List.


This filter is executed before an uploaded file (from the File Upload or Post Image fields) is deleted from the entry.


This filter allows the request parameters to be modified when getting MailChimp lists.

Logging and Debugging

For quite a while, enabling logging within Gravity Forms has been a go-to method for debugging any issues within Gravity Forms. As of Gravity Forms version 2.2, logging functionality has been moved from a separate add-on to becoming a core feature of Gravity Forms.