
PayPal Pro – Sending a Custom Product Label and Description

This snippet shows you how to send a custom product label and description with your form submissions when using the PayPal Pro add-on.

Enabling the Gravity Forms Toolbar Menu

The Gravity Forms toolbar menu enables quick access to your most recent common actions. This article shows you how to enable it.

Requiring a Cardholder Name

This snippet will allow you to require the cardholder’s name within payments accepted through Gravity Forms.

Sending Notifications on Custom Events when Using the Add-On Framework

Since Gravity Forms 1.9.12, add-ons which extend GFFeedAddOn or GFPaymentAddOn can register custom events for which they will send notifications.


The GFAddOn class provides basic functionality for developers when creating new add-ons for Gravity Forms.

Information for Security Researchers

If you have discovered a vulnerability in one of our products we want to hear from you as soon as possible. Please gather as much information together as you can so we can work quickly to address it.

The Importance of Updates

Often times when running a website, individuals will only make the changes they need and neglect the general maintenance of the site, including things such as updates.

Sending Notifications for Recurring Subscription Actions

At times, you may want to configure notifications so that users are notified when changing their subscription. This is especially useful for sending an email to a user when they start, cancel, or renew a subscription.

What To Do If You Suspect a Security Issue

We take security issues very seriously and want to make sure that any security concerns are appropriately addressed in a timely manner.

How To Report a Security Issue

We take security issues very seriously and want to ensure that you always feel safe when using Gravity Forms. Here are a few steps you should take if you believe you have a security issue with Gravity Forms.