
Merge Codes


The Name field allows users to enter their name in the format you have specified. This allows you to capture name information as individual fields.


The List field allows the end user to add/remove additional rows (up to a pre-set limit) of information per field. This allows for the capture of multiple field values, or a variable “list” of data as defined by the end user.

Entry Object

The Entry object contains all properties of a particular entry (i.e. date created, client IP, submitted field values, etc…). It is formatted as an associative array with field Ids being the key to that field’s data.

Input Mask

Input masks provide a visual guide allowing users to more easily enter data in a specific format such as dates and phone numbers.

Gravity Forms Pricing: Adding Tax

If you would like to implement tax you can use the Product Field configured as a Calculation field type. Then configure the formula for the calculation to calculate the appropriate tax.


Use this filter to control the list of users available to be selected in the “Impersonate account” setting. Note that this doesn’t control access to the API, it just controls the list of users available on the settings page.


Use this filter to change the default validation message.


Allows custom validation logic to be used by Gravity Forms when a form is submitted.


This filter is used to dynamically alter or generate a username during the registration process.