

The gf_salesforce_object_request_path filter allows developers to customize the request path used to fetch Salesforce Object Types in the feed creation dropdown for the Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-On to limit or modify the displayed object types.

Setting Up Conditional Payments for One Time and Recurring Transactions

This article explains how to use conditional logic to set up payment feeds based on a user’s selected payment frequency.

Conditional Logic for Notifications and Confirmations by Toxicity Score

In this article, we’ll guide you on using Conditional Logic with the Moderation Add-On to handle entries marked as Toxic

How To Load Forms In Hidden UIs

This article guides you through loading forms in hidden UIs with dynamically loaded content.


This filter allows users to edit the list of action links displayed in the first column on the entries page.


This event is intended for use by add-ons that depend on core scripts. It fires once per form and provides the form ID as a parameter.


Enables customization of the entry meta supported for use with conditional logic before the rules are evaluated.


Allows population of the JavaScript entry_meta variable on the feed configuration page.

Show Values For Choice Based Fields

This article explains how choice values work, why they are useful, when they are required, and how to set them up for your forms.


The gform/ajax/post_page_change event allows developers to to execute custom JavaScript logic after a form submission is processed via AJAX.