

This hook has been deprecated. Please use gform_after_submission instead.

Configuring Confirmations

When a user submits a form, they are presented with a message, or directed to a new page. By default, this is a simple message letting them know that the form has been successfully submitted and thanking them for their submission. Discover how to change this confirmation message, as well as create custom confirmation messages based on the content that is submitted.

Conditional Logic in Gravity Forms Confirmations

Sometimes you may want to send a user to a different page or display different information to them based on what they submit within the form. Learn how to accomplish this by using conditional logic within your form confirmation messages.


The Website field allows users to enter a website URL and automatically validates that the information entered was formatted correctly.

Send Notifications on Payment Events

By default Gravity Forms only sends notifications for the form submission event, however, it is possible to define you own custom events.

Using the Gravity Forms “gform_validation” Hook

The gform_valiation hook will allow you to modify how your forms are validated.

Dynamically Populating a Field

Using dynamic population in Gravity Forms allows you to dynamically populate a field with a value (or values depending on the field type).


The Time field allows users to submit a time as hours and minutes and automatically validates that the information entered was formatted correctly.

Testing for a Theme/Plugin Conflict

TIP: Check out the bottom of this article for an easy-to-follow video covering many of the techniques presented here.

How To Install Gravity Forms

Installing Gravity Forms is quite simple and is the same process as installing many other plugins. In this article, we will show you how to quickly install Gravity Forms using the plugin uploader inside your WordPress admin dashboard.