
Paragraph Text

The Paragraph Text field allows a user to enter text in a textarea form field.

Allow Field to be Populated Dynamically

Checking this option will enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks.

Single Line Text

The Single Line Text field allows users to submit a single line of text. This basic field can be used for anything where no more than a single line of input is required.

Form Object

The form object, available to most action hooks and filters, is an associative array containing the form settings, fields, notifications, confirmations, and other properties (e.g. add-on settings).

Gravity Forms Notification Events

Notifications let you know when a form has been successfully submitted. Several notification events are available within Gravity Forms, as well as events for additional add-ons. Discover the different notification events that are available, such as form is submitted, payment completed, subscription created, and many others.


The gravity_form_enqueue_scripts function will enqueue the necessary styles and scripts for the specified Gravity Form.


The Email field allows you to present a field that captures email data.

Notifications Object

The Notifications object is an associative array containing the properties for all the email notifications which exist for a form.

Dynamically Populating the Post Author

Learn how to dynamically populate the post author in Gravity Forms.

Drop Down

The Drop Down field allows users to select one option from a list.