
Gravity Forms 2.5 Known Limitations

This document contains a list of known issues and limitations for the Gravity Forms 2.5 Beta releases. This list is not considered exhaustive, but will be updated periodically during the beta period.


The Option field allows the creation of options for products created by a Product field. Option fields have special functionality which displays how much selecting the option will add (or subtract) from the total.

Legacy (Personal, Business, Developer) License FAQ

This article contains information regarding the Gravity Forms legacy license types of Personal, Business and Developer, which are no longer offered for sale but can still be renewed.


The Quantity field allows a quantity to be specified for the Product field.


The Shipping field allows a shipping fee to be added to the form total.


The Total field specifies where the order total should be displayed in the form. As the user selects products and options the total will automatically update.

Setting Up the Help Scout Add-On

Step-by-step instructions on how to setup the Help Scout Add-On.

Credit Card

The Credit Card field makes it easy to capture credit card information and is available for the Authorize.Net, PayPal Payments Pro, and Stripe add-ons.

Square Field

The Square Field is a multi-input payment method input field provided with our official Square Add-On. This article shows you where to find it and any special settings.

Field Merge Tags

Displays the value submitted for the field with the specified field_id. If no value was submitted, the merge tag will not display anything.