
Enabling Conditional Logic For A Field

The Enable Conditional Logic option allows you create rules to dynamically display or hide the field based on values from another field.

Stripe Feed Meta

The Feed Meta object for the Stripe Add-On is an associative array containing the properties which determine what type of transaction should occur and what values are sent to Stripe.

Common Field Settings

When editing a form, many of the fields you use will offer the same group of settings. This article helps explain the most common ones.


GFCoupons is the class which houses the main functionality of the Gravity Forms Coupons Add-on; it extends the GFFeedAddOn class which is part of the add-on framework.

Coupons Feed Meta

The Feed Meta object for the Coupons add-On is an associative array containing the properties which determine the type of coupon and discount available.

Downloading a Gravity Forms Add-On

This article contains instructions on how to download an official Gravity Forms Add-On from the Add-Ons library.


GFStripe is the class which houses the main functionality of the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on, it extends the GFPaymentAddOn class which is part of the add-on framework.

{admin_email} Merge Tag

Displays the email address configured on the WordPress > Settings > General page.

Sending Form Notifications Using Postmark

Learn how to use Postmark to send your form notifications.

Email Tracking with Postmark

Discover how to enable Postmark tracking within your form notifications.