Gravity Forms Entry Payment Statuses


This article provides an overview of the various payment statuses that Gravity Forms and its add-ons may set on an entry.

Payment Statuses Reference

StatusDescriptionNext Step In Payment Workflow
ActiveThe payment or subscription is active and ongoing. This status typically applies to recurring payments.Authorized.
AuthorizedThis status indicates that the payment has been authorized but has not yet been captured. The funds are reserved but have not been transferred.Paid or Failed.
CanceledThe payment or subscription has been canceled either by the user or by an administrative action.None.
FailedThis status is set when the payment attempt has failed. Common causes include insufficient funds or a declined transaction by the payment processor.None.
RefundedThe payment has been refunded. This status indicates that the transaction amount has been returned to the customer.None.
PaidThe payment has been successfully completed, and the funds have been captured.Refunded.
PendingThe payment is pending and waiting for confirmation. This often happens when the payment is being held for review by the payment processor.Paid or Failed
ProcessingThe payment is in progress. This status usually occurs when the payment gateway is processing the transaction.Paid or Failed.
VoidedThe payment authorization has been voided before the transaction was completed. No funds were captured.None.

Where Can I see the payment status for an entry?

You will see the payment status in the Entry Detail.

Payment status as shown in the entry detail.