Gravity Forms Custom Development

Although immensely talented, our Support team cannot analyze, debug or author custom scripts. If you need to customize Gravity Forms to fit your needs or add functionality not solved by an add-on or a help document, you might need to hire a developer to work on your particular challenge. There are many, many freelance developers and agencies available that offer WordPress development and customization assistance, but we would like to mention a few particular options.


Need to customize Gravity Forms to suit some particular need? Gravity Forms has partnered with Codeable, the #1 outsourcing service for WordPress, to provide Gravity Forms customization services. They can provide quality development from hand-picked Gravity Forms specialists for any project size and budget and can quickly provide a no-obligation estimate of what it may cost. You can reach them via: Get Started Now!

Job Board

If you are looking for someone to work on your project or offering your services to help, check out our new Community Forum Job Board.

We do not vet or provide recommendations for individual developers there; it is an open forum. However, our community is full of talented folks who may be able to help you get your project where it needs to be!

Gravity Experts

Your forms are set up, and entries are flowing, but now you need them to work seamlessly in a customer or intranet-based workflow. Gravity Experts, a Rocketgenius brand, offers a deep experience combining Gravity Forms and Gravity Flow (as well as certified developer add-ons) to build and automate processes for a multitude of business needs. Our Experts can assist in building a full solution, or can consult and guide your team to deliver your own project.

Reach out to Gravity Experts today to learn how they can help your Gravity Forms-based workflow take the next step toward seamless business process automation.