Knowledge Base


FAQ About Gravity Forms Language Translation Files

This article provides some information on how Gravity Forms manages language translation files.

FAQ on Cache and Script Optimizer Issues

This article explains the concepts of caching and script optimization and why they can adversely affect the behavior of Gravity Forms

Forcing Gravity Forms Database Upgrades

If you're having issues upgrading the Gravity Forms database after an update, this can sometimes be due to a failed database modification.

Form Switcher in Gravity Forms 2.5

The Gravity Forms form switcher interface has returned in Gravity Forms version 2.5 ! It is available in the top left corner of the Edit, Settings, and Entries pages.

FreshBooks (Classic) Add-On Changelog

View the change log for the FreshBooks Add-On.

Gravity API Outage Impacts

This article details what is affected by a scheduled or unscheduled outage of our Gravity API service.

Gravity Forms 2.2: Changes to Entry IP Detection

With the release of Gravity Forms version 2.2, changes have been made to the IP displayed when a form entry is generated.

Gravity Forms 2.5 Key Features

This article includes a list of key features and noticeable changes with our major new release, Gravity Forms 2.5.

Gravity Forms 2.5 Known Limitations

This document contains a list of known issues and limitations for the Gravity Forms 2.5 Beta releases. This list is not considered exhaustive, but will be updated periodically during the beta period.

Gravity Forms 2.5 Release FAQ

This article covers common questions about the Gravity Forms 2.5 rollout.