Knowledge Base
Articles on accessibility guidelines and best practices.
How To
Step-by-step instructions.
Articles that cover purchasing and using Gravity Forms licenses.
Privacy, Security and Compliance
Articles on security issues and best practices.
Articles to help you troubleshoot issues with Gravity Forms and add-ons.
Troubleshooting license key validation errors
This article describes the checks you can perform when your Gravity Forms license key will not validate successfully.
Troubleshooting Notifications
Gravity Forms uses WordPress’ built-in sendmail (wp-mail.php) to send its e-mail notifications. If you are having trouble sending or receiving Notifications, please try the following steps.
Troubleshooting Payment Feeds Not Processing
Of course, payments being properly processed is the most important part of selling anything. When it's not working as expected, it can be frustrating.
Troubleshooting Scheduled Events
A list of events that Gravity Forms and add-ons schedule with WP-Cron and steps to troubleshoot.
Troubleshooting The HubSpot Tracking Cookie
This guide provides steps to troubleshoot tracking cookie issues in the Gravity Forms HubSpot Add-On.
Upgrade/Add-on Issues
Having an issue where you can’t upgrade Gravity Forms or its add-ons?
Upgrading to Gravity Forms v2.3
This article describes the process for upgrading to Gravity Forms version 2.3x and the important steps to take beforehand.
URL Validation In Gravity Forms
Within Gravity Forms, URL validation methods exist to heighten security as well as avoid possible bugs. In this article, we will explain how URL validation works in Gravity Forms, and how to manipulate it.
URLs Ignored for Gravity Forms License Site Limits
This article identifies how Gravity Forms classifies sites for the purposes of enforcing license site limits.
Using Confirmation Query Strings to Populate a Form Based on Another Submission
You have two forms. The first form is used to capture general customer information, and the second is used to create a new user account on your site.