Knowledge Base


URL Validation In Gravity Forms

Within Gravity Forms, URL validation methods exist to heighten security as well as avoid possible bugs. In this article, we will explain how URL validation works in Gravity Forms, and how to manipulate it.

URLs Ignored for Gravity Forms License Site Limits

This article identifies how Gravity Forms classifies sites for the purposes of enforcing license site limits.

Using Confirmation Query Strings to Populate a Form Based on Another Submission

The Challenge You have two forms. The first form is used to capture general customer information, and the second is used to create a new user account on your site.

Using the Gravity Forms “gform_validation” Hook

Viewing Sales Results

Learn how to view the results and statistics from your Gravity Forms payment processor.

What is this Charge on my Credit Card?

Do you have a credit card charge form us and you are wondering what Gravity Forms is for? This article should give you the basics and how to get more information.

What To Do If You Suspect a Security Issue

We take security issues very seriously and want to make sure that any security concerns are appropriately addressed in a timely manner.

Where Do I Put This Code?

In this article, we will show you where you should typically place code that is within our documentation.

Where’s that old forum topic?

In July 2013 we moved from forum based support to a ticket based system, with the forums remaining read-only for reference. This article includes advice on where to find further information on some our more popular forum topics.

WordPress, Gravity Forms, and GDPR Compliance

You’ve probably heard about GDPR compliance but aren’t quite sure how it affects your forms or WordPress site in general. Your best option is always to consult legal counsel, but we’ll try to get things clarified for you in the meantime.