Knowledge Base


The Importance of Updates

Often times when running a website, individuals will only make the changes they need and neglect the general maintenance of the site, including things such as updates.

Translating Gravity Forms (or an add-on) using Loco Translate

In this article, we explain how you can use the Loco Translate WordPress plugin to create and update translations for Gravity Forms (or an add-on).

Translating Gravity Forms (or an add-on) using Poedit

In this article, we explain how you can use Poedit, the Gettext translations editor, to create and update translations for Gravity Forms (or an add-on).

Translating the Datepicker

 This work-around is only necessary for Gravity Forms versions 2.4 and prior. The datepicker translations are part of the standard translation package in Gravity Forms 2.5.

Troubleshoot/Resolve Issues with Gravity Forms Entry Exports

At times, some users may experience issues when attempting to export entries. These issues are typically caused by theme/plugin conflicts or settings defined by the web host.

Troubleshooting a Missing ‘Feeds’ Menu Item

Is the Feeds menu item missing from an add-on you’re trying to use? We’ll show you how to troubleshoot the issue.

Troubleshooting a Missing Settings Page

Most add-ons are managed from their own settings pages. These settings pages are typically accessible by accessing the primary Gravity Forms Settings page, then clicking on the tab appropriate for your add-on.

Troubleshooting an Empty or Incomplete Settings Page

This article contains troubleshooting steps if you see a settings page that has missing or incomplete content and will help you resolve the problem.

Troubleshooting API Key Validation Issues

In this article, we will help you troubleshoot issues with validating an API key for an add-on service.

Troubleshooting Background (async) Processing Issues

This article contains tips and links to help you debug issues with background (async) processing, as introduced in Gravity Forms 2.2.