Knowledge Base
Articles on accessibility guidelines and best practices.
How To
Step-by-step instructions.
Articles that cover purchasing and using Gravity Forms licenses.
Privacy, Security and Compliance
Articles on security issues and best practices.
Articles to help you troubleshoot issues with Gravity Forms and add-ons.
Custom Logging Statements
While Gravity Forms and its add-ons include numerous logging statements, sometimes you may need to add more. Discover how to add custom logging.
Customizing Forms created from the Template Library
This article discusses all the steps you should take to turn a Gravity Forms template form into a tailored fully functioning form on your own website.
Delete Entry Data After Post Submission
Delete Entry Data after Submission
By default, Gravity Forms was designed to record all data submitted to it, so there isn't an override to stop Gravity Forms from storing entry data upon submission.
Deprecated Gravity Forms Database Tables
The following database tables have been deprecated as of Gravity Forms 2.3, and should not be utilized by any custom code or third-party plug-ins etc.
Deprecation of the Gravity Forms Credit Card Field
❗The Gravity Forms Credit Card Field has been deprecated for use with all our modern payment add-ons. Instead, use the gateway-specific payment collection fields.
Deprecation of the Rocketgenius Namespace for Gravity Forms 2.5
The top-level Rocketgenius namespace is being replaced with Gravity_Forms, which may break third party add-ons using the old namespace. This document describes those changes in Gravity Forms 2.5 Beta 3.
Disabling Automatic Scrolling On Form Confirmations
Disable automatic scrolling to the form confirmation message in Gravity Forms.
Displaying a Form Within a Modal/Popup/Lightbox
Note: This tutorial is provided as a suggestion only. We do not support third party solutions. If you have any trouble using Popup Maker, please contact with its author.
Does Gravity Forms Support ….
You can embed the Gravity Forms shortcode anywhere within your WordPress site, independently from other plugins. But to talk effectively and get closer integration between Gravity Forms and a third party service, we recommend:.