Knowledge Base


Rules for Calculations

This article covers number formatting and order of operation rules you should be aware of in when using calculations in your Gravity Forms.

Security Best Practices

The advice and best practices in this section is to help site owners and administrators understand the issues and learn how to adjust the security features according to their needs.

Security Warning: merge tags as HTML attribute values

If your form confirmation is using a merge tag as a value for an HTML attribute, you may see the following warning: Your confirmation message appears to contain a merge tag as the value for an HTML attribute.

Sending Form Submission Notifications To Multiple Recipients

Here’s how to configure your notifications in Gravity Forms to send to multiple email recipients.

Set Tabindex

Having an issue where pressing tab on your keyboard brings your user to another form on your page? That is because Gravity Forms assumes its tabindex values and you can have overlap.

Setting Up Conditional Payments for One Time and Recurring Transactions

This article explains how to use conditional logic to set up payment feeds based on a user’s selected payment frequency.

Setting Up Conditional Payments in Gravity Forms

Sometimes, you may want to allow a user to choose between different payment options. In this article, we will show you how to do this using conditional logic.

Setting Up the FreshBooks (Classic) Add-On

Discover how to set up and implement the FreshBooks Add-On for Gravity Forms.

Show Values For Choice Based Fields

This article explains how choice values work, why they are useful, when they are required, and how to set them up for your forms.

Taking a Screenshot of Your Feed Settings

This article reviews how to take a screenshot of your settings to help when getting technical support.